Creativity fuels productivity, provided that the work environment is stable enough for the two to peacefully coexist. Here are three ways creativity can help fuel productivity in your organization:

Encouraging Creativity Means No Boundaries

Determining where the next big idea will come from is next to impossible. One thing is for sure, though: the next big idea won’t come from an organization whose motto is “we’ve always done it this way.” Shaping the environment so that creativity can flourish turns work into a place without boundaries. When your employees are free to work together and think outside the box, they will never get stuck in unproductive ruts.

Employees Control The Workplace

Letting employees make an impact on the work environment is a powerful motivator. Nobody wants to feel like they are mindlessly completing the same tasks in the same environment over and over again. Allowing your workers to voice their opinions on how they would like things to be operated not only allows them to be creative, but it also makes them feel valued.

Eliminate The Fear of Failure

If you want your employees to be productive and creative, they need to be allowed to fail sometimes. The fear of failure cripples work environments because employees are scared to try new things. Staying on the well-worn path can get stale and you might miss out on innovative ideas. To paraphrase Robert Frost, it’s choosing the road not taken that makes all the difference.