Well, the time is finally here. After months of hard work, our education team has released an elementary element of our curriculum! Starting this month, five pilot schools will begin using the Inventionland Institute Elementary Curriculum.

This piece of curriculum is a crucial element to our course. It allows us to begin teaching the foundations of inventing, problem-solving, and team work at a young age.  Those same values can then be carried on throughout middle and high school; allowing our course to help shape the way children learn every step of the way!

Inventionland Institute can now proudly say that we offer educational services to grades K-16. While the teaching materials and core curriculum will vary as the students get older, the messaging and basic foundations of our course will remain the same.

We strive to get students ready for the real world. Thanks to the release of our elementary curriculum, we can keep students engaged in something they remember learning when they were 5 years old.

If you would like more information on the elementary course, or if you would like to sign up for our course, please visit inventionlandinstitute.com or give us a call at 1-800-585-8434.

Copyright, Inventionland 2017