With last week’s announcement of the latest iPhone and the Apple Watch, consumers everywhere are chomping at the bit to get their hands and wrists around these innovative inventions.

As wearable technology keeps rising in popularity, Apple took note and invented their very own piece of wearable technology, the Apple Watch.

Swappable bands, a square face, sapphire glass, a heartbeat sensor and inductive charging are just some of the notable features that the Apple Watch has to offer its consumers.

But, that’s not the last of it. We’ve picked up some information along the way and wanted to show you some of the other features that consumers can expect with the Apple Watch!

Five Apple Watch Features:

Fitness- In this day and age, fitness is the focus of many people’s lives. That’s why, along with the various other features on the Apple Watch a fitness function was included. It’s almost like a personal trainer on your wrist. It tracks your calories and calculates how much you need to burn in order to meet your daily goal and it will do this by using GPS technology and an accelerometer to track the user’s activities, whether it’s a walk, jog or bike ride. In addition, it’ll also be like you have your very own fitness cheerleader, because the watch will encourage its users to meet basic fitness requirements, like 30 minutes of physical activity a day or even standing up for a short period of time each hour.

Now, the question arises, “Is this feature a threat to other fitness trackers like Fitbit and Jawbone?” It’s uncertain at the moment; however, Apple’s real-time feedback of all physical movements and not just steps could be useful for those who want instant, personalized advice and not merely raw data like the other trackers offer.

Money- The “I forgot my wallet” excuse will be a thing of the past, thanks to Apple Watch’s Apple Pay. This service will allow a person to make purchases through a simple press of a button on their Apple Watch. Through their Near Field Communication technology, the watch will be able to work with payment systems at participating retailers by using a person’s credit card information that is already linked to their iTunes’ account.

So, what retailers are onboard? So far, McDonald’s, Macy’s and Staples are the first companies to accept Apple Pay.

Directions- The days of fumbling for your phone to find directions to the latest restaurant are over. The Apple Watch includes the Map app that puts the world at your fingertips or in this case, your wrist. This feature provides directions in a discreet way, so discreet in fact, that the person will feel a vibration on their wrist when they need to turn. But, how is the person to know whether to turn right or left? Different vibrations mean different directions, and so, the vibration for a left turn is different than the vibration for a right-hand turn.

Siri- Looks like Siri has some new digs as she found her second home with the Apple Watch! Siri’s latest home allows her to continue her duties as your very own personal assistant by asking her various questions about local attractions. These requests and Q & A sessions with Siri are all done through voice commands that Apple Watch responds to.

Time– Last but certainly not least, perhaps the most basic, but classic feature of any watch, the Apple Watch can tell time!

Although these are just five of the many features that the Apple Watch has to offer consumers, this new Apple invention won’t be available until early next year; so, for now, we eagerly wait for the much anticipated launch of this futuristic piece of wearable technology!

Copyright Inventionland, 2014





