Winsun is at it Again with Latest Project
Winsun, a Shanghai-based company recently unveiled not just one, but TWO 3D printed buildings! Learn more about their latest and greatest project, here!
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Winsun, a Shanghai-based company recently unveiled not just one, but TWO 3D printed buildings! Learn more about their latest and greatest project, here!
Thanks to 3D printing and the innovative work of Franc Falco’s 3D printer, he’s been able to 3D-print Rolex Submariner replicas!
MyDoorSign blog features Inventionland alongside Google and Facebook as worldwide creative workspaces! Check it out!
It’s baaaaaack! The Miracle Meatloaf Pan was back on QVC!
Winbo, a Chinese company, is using their expertise in 3D printing to create life-sized, usable 3D-printed furniture! Take a look!
The Mercedes-Benz cocoon-like “autonomous” vehicle, known as the F 015 “Luxury in Motion,” was released by the car company at CES 2015 in Las Vegas.
This smart belt, known as the “Belty,” invented by a Paris-based startup called Emiota,loosens your belt buckle without having to lift a finger. Learn more, here!
As today marks the beginning of 2015, we wanted to take a look back at the year that was on the Inventionland blog!
What do you get when you combine 3D printing with selfies? The answer is Shapies, Artec Group’s latest invention!